Original from https://telegra.ph/Telegram-Art-Display-Action-TADA—The-Winners-06-25.
Follow-up of Telegram Art Display Action (TADA).

After more than six months after its initial announcement, with a delay of two months on our announced planning, after several dozen messages apologizing for the delay, the results are finally here… Here are the winners of The Telegram Art Display Action (TADA)!
Click here for a reminder of what this competition is.

« Open your eyes » by Gui (@giuliem).

« Angelic Vision« , by Nightgrowler (@Nightgrowler), from the channel Nightgrowler’s La⃤ir (@nightgrowlers_lair) (link to the original).

« 🙂 / Ü« , by Arraia 🌸✨ (@NiniLionheart).

« A good fit is a good fit« , from the channel A maker’s den (@aMakersDen).

« Viking kit« , from the channel Gob’s corner 🌱 (@gobscorner) (link to the original).

« (none)« , from the channel Art Therapy (@fieldmedicinaction) (link to the original).

First, a big thank you to all those who participated in the contest! We were delighted by the different works submitted, and selecting the winners was more than difficult. Every entry of this edition is available here, feel free to take a look!
The winners will receive a short private message asking them where to send the money. Each winner will receive a minimum of CHF 50 / USD 55, and this year’s donations will be added on top.
We will try to make this a yearly contest, but such an organization takes some time and resources. So, if you are interested in participating in the organisation of next year’s contest, or in contributing financially/sponsoring, please send us a message to @TADA_submission_bot.
In the meantime, thanks again for this year, and we’ll see you next year with pleasure. Congratulations to all and keep on creating!