I wanted to create a mask.
Story is, a good friend sent me a L O T of documentation on papercraft.
So. Off we go!
Let’s start with the base of the skull. We gon glue everything to cardboard.
Well the skull at least.
The point: I never really did papercraft before, not a complex design like that one. So maybe I fucked up. But then I realised I didn’t fucked up. But then I may have fucked up while trying to unfuck my non fuckery. Eventually, I unfucked my unfucking.
That looked way cooler than I was expecting in regards to my skills.
Then I was thinking about the horns. I didn’t know if I wanted the horns from the origin model or custom horns. I went with custom horns because why not.
The « » »final » » » product looked kinda cool to be honnest.
For the scenery, I wanted several elements. First of all, I wanted to have a stance kinda like the one (1) memory I have from Black Buttler.
I also wanted to do a shot with a lot of colors, and me in a formal dress. I added a watch and a cane, and I thought it was kinda cool I had a black glove on one side.
Now the question was about the covering: do I try to put plaster on the thing? I was afraid the water would screw the mask up. Or acrylic. Or spray. So I tested.
Because I was running out of time and because I wanted to play it safe, I went with spray paint.
Finally, we did a photoshoot (my first time !) with my friend C., and the result isn’t that bad.